CXO Xchange Welcomes Rubrik & Snyk!

Tuesday, October 1, 2024

5:00 PM - 7:00 PM


Embassy Suites by Hilton

850 Tower Dr
Troy, MI 48098
United States

Dinner & refreshments will be available during the meeting.

About CXO Xchange:

Where security leaders collaborate and exchange ideas to ensure a more secure future and enhance community welfare.


About Rubrik

By 2025, the cybercrime business will be worth $10 trillion, making it the third-largest economy in the world.  To fight back, you need a way to secure your data, monitor for data risks, and quickly recover your data no matter where it lives.  At Rubrik, we help you achieve business resilience against cyberattacks, malicious insiders, and operational disruptions. We secure your data wherever it lives—across enterprise, cloud, and SaaS—making your business unstoppable. Learn More


About Snyk

Empowering businesses to develop fast and stay secure.
The Snyk platform quickly finds and fixes security issues in proprietary code, open source dependencies, container images, and cloud infrastructure so businesses can build security directly into their continuous development process. Learn More

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